cartoon story reading. TIT FOR TAT in English

There lived a man in Jhapa. He was called Mr Thapa. He had a fruit shop. In this fruit shop. there were apples, oranges, mangoes, bananas, grapes, pineapples, watermelons, and lots of other fruits. Every day, Kanchhi the elephant went to the river to take a bath. She always stopped by the fruit shop. She did not go away until Me Thapa save her a banana. Mrs Thapa did not like this. She was an unkind woman. One day, Mr Thapa was not at his shop. Mrs Thapa was at the shop. Kanchhi came and waited for her banana. Mrs Thapa did not give her any banana. Mrs Thapa drove ber away with a stick. Kanchhi was angry. She went to the river and had her both. Then, she filed her trunk with water. She went back to the fruit shop. She splashed Mrs Thapa with the water. Mrs Thapa was wet all over

Moral of story = tit for tat.