Cartoon story for reading. The Lion and the Fox

The Lion announced that he was very sick and asked the animals to come and see him one last time. So the Goat went into the Lion's cave, and stayed there visiting for a long time. Then Skeep went in. Before she came out, the Calf also went into the cave to visit the lion. But soon the Lion seemed to be feeling better and came to the front of his cave. The lion saw the Fox, who kad been waiting outside for some time. "Why do you not come to pay your respects to me?" said the lion to the Fox. "Please excuse me," said the Fox, "but I noticed all of the animals that have already come in to visit you, I see many hoof-marks going in, but I see none coming out. Until the animals that have entered gour cave come out again I prefer to remain in the open air."

Moral of story =Take warning from the misfortunes of others.